This semester, I am taking Computer Graphics for a few reasons. One reason that I decided to take the course was because it satisfies one requirement for my minor in game engineering; however, my interest in the subject goes deeper than that. A few years ago, after having decided that getting into the film production industry via the usually writing or directorial route wouldn't be financially practical, and after being told that engineering was a good field to get into, I tried to look for a point of intersection between the two fields that was worth pursuing as a career. I would soon begin to research the matter and found that it would be suitable to major in computer science in college as the film industry implements a great deal of CGI in modern day productions; however I wasn't sure exactly which part of computer science I should be studying in order to become equipped with the skills to partake in this kind of work. After a couple of years into my college career, I found course listings for courses related to gaming and graphics and found out that much of the technology for graphics in gaming is also used in the film industry. Thus, I thought it would be a good idea to learn as much as I could about graphics and game programming to enhance my toolbox of skills which is what lead me to take this class. Ultimately, I have an interest in pursuing a career that would allow me to apply computer graphics in the industry of film/animation. Given this interest, from taking this class, I hope to be equipped with some of the requisite skills that would be needed to work at animation studio such as Pixar or to help develop technology for films similar to Avatar. In light of this objective, I would like to learn about topics that cover the technology which has been used to create the worlds of popular animated films as well as hollywood blockbusters.